Please complete the registration form below. The amount of the registration fee depends on the
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Registration Form
Abstract Submission
Instruction to Presenter
The abstract should be written and submitted to the conference portal following the rules below
- Author names: all author/co-author names should be listed with valid email and affiliation
- Title: written in Title Case, not more than 18 words
- Abstract: should be written in good English with appropriate tenses and grammar error-free, not more than 200 words
- Indexing: relevant academic discipline/sub-discipline
- Keywords: 4-6 keywords, each separated by a semicolon (;)
- Supporting Agencies: Source of research funding
Abstract submission form: click here
Abstract and Recording Template: click here
Full Paper Submission
Selected full paper will be published in the journal partner. Publication fee differs from registration fee and will be confirmed by selected publisher.
Instruction to Presenter
Author can submit an article to journal below :
Full paper submission form: click here
- IJAP (International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics)
- Indexed by Scopus (Q2)
- Journal scope:
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics (Int J App Pharm) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly open access journal devoted to the excellence and research in the pure pharmaceutics. This Journal publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in conventional dosage forms, formulation development and characterization, controlled and novel drug delivery, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, molecular drug design, polymer-based drug delivery, nanotechnology, nanocarrier based drug delivery, novel routes and modes of delivery; responsive delivery systems, prodrug design, development and characterization of the targeted drug delivery systems, ligand carrier interactions etc. However, the other areas which are related to the pharmaceutics are also entertained includes physical pharmacy and API (active pharmaceutical ingredients) analysis.
- Publication Fee: Normal : IDR. 10.000.000, More than 5 authors (Additional USD 150 per author)
- Journal template: click here
- Website: click here